LCAN Implementation Grant

Implementation Grant

Implementation Grants of up to $60,000 over two years ($30,000 annually) are available to launch and support community-based Local College Access Networks (LCANs). Please read these instructions thoroughly prior to applying for grant funding.

Rolling Grant Timeline
Implementation Grants will be accepted at any time by Michigan College Access Network (MCAN). Grants are reviewed throughout the year. MCAN is committed to reviewing grants and providing a response to applicants in 90 days or less. Applicants are highly encouraged to work with MCAN staff for assistance in preparing a competitive application. Grants will not be awarded from September 1 - September 30 as it is the end of our fiscal year. Grants received during this time will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of award status beginning October 1.

Implementation Grant Process
MCAN has adopted the collective impact framework to help communities organize and initiate their local network. MCAN recommends that communities follow the steps listed below in order to be successful and to help position the LCAN to be competitive for future MCAN grant opportunities.

Planning Process

  1. Make the Case with Influential Champions
  2. Establish an Initial Backbone Support Infrastructure and Continuous Improvement Process
  3. Conduct a Landscape Scan and create an Asset Map
  4. Gather Baseline Data
  5. Establish Common Agenda and Dashboard
  6. Formalize Backbone Support Infrastructure
  7. Align Existing Organizations to the Network
  8. Analyze Data to Select Priority Areas

Implementation Process

  1. Activate the Network
  2. Utilize Continuous Improvement across the Network

Implementation Grant Deliverables

Successful applicants will be expected to work toward, complete and submit the following Implementation Grant deliverables during the tenure of their grant award.

  • Create and execute collaborative, data-driven strategic action plan.
  • Identify data-driven priority areas.
  • Form an action team for each priority area if appropriate.
  • Determine strategies, action steps, and timeline.
  • Formalize action plan with partnership agreements.
  • Update Data Dashboard
  • Update Asset Map if appropriate
  • Identify areas of alignment

Grantees are required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period. Final reports are submitted through SurveyMonkey Apply.

Application Assistance

MCAN is available to provide application assistance. Please contact Dominique Devereaux, Director of Community Mobilization Strategy, at, or 517-316-1713 for assistance.


In addition to the financial grant, MCAN will provide extensive tools, templates, and technical assistance. Please work with your MCAN geographic coach for support.

Grant Award & Match Requirement

Implementation Grants are $30,000 annually over two years for a total of $60,000. All grantees will be required to match 50 percent of their grant award with cash and in-kind support. When applying for this grant, your application must reflect two years of funding.

Defining a Local College Access Network

Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are community-based college access coordinating bodies supported by a team of community and education leaders representing K-12, higher education, the nonprofit sector, government, business and philanthropy. These intermediary organizations are committed to building a college-going culture and dramatically increasing the college going/completion rates within their communities. LCANs coordinate and expand programs, services and resources that increase student access to postsecondary educational opportunities. LCANs organize community leaders around a singular vision and goal: Increase the community's postsecondary educational attainment level in order to lay the foundation for a vibrant economy, healthy community and strong workforce equipped to compete in a 21st century global economy. The LCAN will set goals focused on student success, establish a system of data gathering and analysis, report results and hold partners accountable for performance.

About Michigan College Access Network

MCAN's mission is to increase college readiness, participation and completion rates in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college going students, and students of color. In order to build and sustain a vibrant economy and strong communities based on a highly educated population, MCAN works to ensure everyone in Michigan has the opportunity to access and succeed in postsecondary education. MCAN's goal is to increase the percentage of Michigan residents with high-quality degrees or credentials to 60 percent by the year 2030. 

MCAN believes that:

College is Postsecondary Education: We use the term college to refer to attainment of education beyond high school, including postsecondary certificates and academic degrees.

College is a Necessity: Postsecondary attainment dramatically increases an individual’s economic independence in a knowledge-based economy.

College is for Everyone: We work toward changing the systems that perpetuate inequities in postsecondary attainment.

College is a Public Good: Postsecondary attainment is critical to a just and equitable society, strong economy, thriving democracy, and healthy communities.


LCAN Implementation Grant

Implementation Grant

Implementation Grants of up to $60,000 over two years ($30,000 annually) are available to launch and support community-based Local College Access Networks (LCANs). Please read these instructions thoroughly prior to applying for grant funding.

Rolling Grant Timeline
Implementation Grants will be accepted at any time by Michigan College Access Network (MCAN). Grants are reviewed throughout the year. MCAN is committed to reviewing grants and providing a response to applicants in 90 days or less. Applicants are highly encouraged to work with MCAN staff for assistance in preparing a competitive application. Grants will not be awarded from September 1 - September 30 as it is the end of our fiscal year. Grants received during this time will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of award status beginning October 1.

Implementation Grant Process
MCAN has adopted the collective impact framework to help communities organize and initiate their local network. MCAN recommends that communities follow the steps listed below in order to be successful and to help position the LCAN to be competitive for future MCAN grant opportunities.

Planning Process

  1. Make the Case with Influential Champions
  2. Establish an Initial Backbone Support Infrastructure and Continuous Improvement Process
  3. Conduct a Landscape Scan and create an Asset Map
  4. Gather Baseline Data
  5. Establish Common Agenda and Dashboard
  6. Formalize Backbone Support Infrastructure
  7. Align Existing Organizations to the Network
  8. Analyze Data to Select Priority Areas

Implementation Process

  1. Activate the Network
  2. Utilize Continuous Improvement across the Network

Implementation Grant Deliverables

Successful applicants will be expected to work toward, complete and submit the following Implementation Grant deliverables during the tenure of their grant award.

  • Create and execute collaborative, data-driven strategic action plan.
  • Identify data-driven priority areas.
  • Form an action team for each priority area if appropriate.
  • Determine strategies, action steps, and timeline.
  • Formalize action plan with partnership agreements.
  • Update Data Dashboard
  • Update Asset Map if appropriate
  • Identify areas of alignment

Grantees are required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period. Final reports are submitted through SurveyMonkey Apply.

Application Assistance

MCAN is available to provide application assistance. Please contact Dominique Devereaux, Director of Community Mobilization Strategy, at, or 517-316-1713 for assistance.


In addition to the financial grant, MCAN will provide extensive tools, templates, and technical assistance. Please work with your MCAN geographic coach for support.

Grant Award & Match Requirement

Implementation Grants are $30,000 annually over two years for a total of $60,000. All grantees will be required to match 50 percent of their grant award with cash and in-kind support. When applying for this grant, your application must reflect two years of funding.

Defining a Local College Access Network

Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are community-based college access coordinating bodies supported by a team of community and education leaders representing K-12, higher education, the nonprofit sector, government, business and philanthropy. These intermediary organizations are committed to building a college-going culture and dramatically increasing the college going/completion rates within their communities. LCANs coordinate and expand programs, services and resources that increase student access to postsecondary educational opportunities. LCANs organize community leaders around a singular vision and goal: Increase the community's postsecondary educational attainment level in order to lay the foundation for a vibrant economy, healthy community and strong workforce equipped to compete in a 21st century global economy. The LCAN will set goals focused on student success, establish a system of data gathering and analysis, report results and hold partners accountable for performance.

About Michigan College Access Network

MCAN's mission is to increase college readiness, participation and completion rates in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college going students, and students of color. In order to build and sustain a vibrant economy and strong communities based on a highly educated population, MCAN works to ensure everyone in Michigan has the opportunity to access and succeed in postsecondary education. MCAN's goal is to increase the percentage of Michigan residents with high-quality degrees or credentials to 60 percent by the year 2030. 

MCAN believes that:

College is Postsecondary Education: We use the term college to refer to attainment of education beyond high school, including postsecondary certificates and academic degrees.

College is a Necessity: Postsecondary attainment dramatically increases an individual’s economic independence in a knowledge-based economy.

College is for Everyone: We work toward changing the systems that perpetuate inequities in postsecondary attainment.

College is a Public Good: Postsecondary attainment is critical to a just and equitable society, strong economy, thriving democracy, and healthy communities.

LCAN Grants